Saturday 23 May 2020

Article 15 - Anubhav Sinha weaves a gripping thriller on caste discrimination that is raw , brutal , unflinching and bold .

Men martyred at the borders are outnumbered by the men who die cleaning the sewers. No one mourns for them.
Anubhav Sinha's Article 15 hits you with the harsh ground reality and discrimination the so called lower caste people experience in their  day to day life and asks some questions that are either forgotten or usually left unanswered .

Article 15 is never an easy watch and it shows how privy and shielded we are from the stark reality of the living standards of majority of the Indian populace.

Anubhav Sinha once again proves that he's one of the very few who can bravely take a script championing the abandoned strata of society which bollywood easily forgets and weaves a intricate story inundated with interesting and stark characters , like his previous venture Mulk.
Ayushman khurana as Ayan Ranjan , a foreign educated upper caste  who gets into IPS for his father's wishes gets posted to the village of Lalgon ,UP and is literally dragged in knee deep mud when he investigates the hanging of two young girls. Ewan Muligan's camera is the 'salt in the soup'- the opening sequence of a bunch of policemen chit chatting about how to untie the knot amid the grieve strucken villagers over the girls hanging in the early morning fog filled fields and the manual scavenging scenes showcase the exemplary work contributed by him to the narrative.

The film is filled with some amazing potrayals,Manoj Pahwa plays a cop who empathises more with the stray dogs than the lower caste villagers, a rebel fighting for their rights but branded as a terrorist ,his love life and their dilemma between their beliefs and the lack of time spent with each other adds to the charm.

 We can't but appreciate the director's subtle art of showing that evil isn't something alien but it's something prevailing among us and it shows a mirror to us with many questions that only we can answer .

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Article 15 - Anubhav Sinha weaves a gripping thriller on caste discrimination that is raw , brutal , unflinching and bold .

Men martyred at the borders are outnumbered by the men who die cleaning the sewers. No one mourns for them. Anubhav Sinha&#...