Monday 11 May 2020

6 Underground 2019 - A botched Action film worth to be forgotten

Mix a handful of Bam ,boom , a lot of cuss words , some one liners ,  supposed emotional scenes and Ryan Reynolds and the end product - 6 Underground ,Michael Bays' directorial debut for Netflix.
First scene.
Florence , Italy. A team of 6 Vigilante squad members  who had faked third own deaths and are trying to save the world,  is chased by the Mafia of a dreadful Turgistan Dictator. Flashy cars ,a window rattling chase ,tires screeching ,  bullets whizzing only for their driver team member, nicknamed 6 to end up dead.
The remaining 'Ghosts' vigilante squad mourns the loss of their member and they fade into the sunset.
They recruit Seven , for their team of 6 and stage a Coup in Turgistan and all ends well for her oppressed people and for us, depressed viewers.
The writers were too busy with the script even to name them One , Two ,Three, Four , Five ,Six and Seven !
Guys, Really ?
We can only thank our stars that The Professor refused to lend Tokyo and Denver  . Yeah I'm talking about the hyped Promo by Netflix with the Money Heist's Professor and One !
Tis what you get when a director is lost in the sequels of his previous films and is held only by them, more like a straw holding a bushel of corn.Michael Bay , don't let it be your Armageddon !
So 6 Underground - that is where you'll end up after watching,  6 ft underground , buried , dead.

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